What do we look like in the spirit world?

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  2. Looked Interesting Right Up Unt Spirit Is Out Now For Mac 2017

Nov 14, 2019 When someone from the spirit world is trying to contact us they might end up doing-so through our dreams. This is because when we are sleeping the veil between realms is at its weakest. During this time they are capable of reaching out from vast distances. Lights and other things of the sorts are seemingly on the fritz. It was a quiet shoot with me moving wherever my Spirit flowed; having moments dreaming into Earth Empress. Like a midwife, Gina assisted without interrupting my flow, capturing the essence of what I was feeling perfectly. I made a gorgeous smoothie for Gina and I and we had fun taking a few shots for a Detox event I was hosting. Sep 05, 2020 Out of spirits definition: sad; depressed Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

by Bob Olson, BestPsychicDirectory.com, BestPsychicMediums.com & AfterlifeTV.com

We can choose to look like whatever we want as spirits. However, when they show themselves to a psychic medium who is giving a reading to their loved ones, most people in spirit will show themselves in a way that you’ll best identify them. This is also true if a loved one in spirit visits you in a dream.

Looked Interesting Right Up Unt Spirit Is Out Now For Macbook Pro

What we need to remember, though, is that our loved ones are more likely to show themselves in a reading or dream as healthy, as opposed to sick or injured. Who wants to be remembered as sick or injured, right? Therefore, even if they died appearing old and decrepit, they are unlikely to visit you in a dream looking that way. If necessary for the purposes of being identified, they might show a psychic medium that they looked old and decrepit when they died, but they will often let the psychic medium know that they are not this way any longer. For their sake and yours, they want everyone to know that they are healthy and vibrant in their spiritual bodies.

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the truth is that people in spirit don’t need to look like anyone since our true nature in spirit is energy and light. Many people who have had near-death experiences have said that they saw people in spirit as beings of light. Interestingly, even if you died and met a friend in spirit who you only saw as a being of light, you would still be able to identify her as your friend. And, if you or she preferred, she could also show herself to you with the appearance that you once knew her in her human body.

It’s helpful to keep in mind that we have each lived hundreds or thousands of lives. Therefore, as spirits, we can choose the appearance of any one of those human bodies we’ve inhabited. That’s pretty cool when you think about it.

At the same time, since we can be, do and have anything we desire while in spirit, we could also choose to appear in any way we desire. Not that we would fool anyone with an alternate appearance, since our identity would be easily recognized from our energy and light alone, but it gives us unlimited options on what we can look like, at least. I guess in this way, it’s kind of like living in Hollywood.

Looked Interesting Right Up Unt Spirit Is Out Now For Mac 2017

BestPsychicDirectory.com, BestPsychicMediums.com & AfterlifeTV.com
© Copyright 2011 Bob Olson All Rights Reserved

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Question: How do people look in the spirit realm? Are they just energy or do they look like they did in the physical realm? If so, do they look like the moment they died?

Answer: Great question from one of our forum members.

The answer is that it depends on who is looking, why they are looking, and when they are looking.


When I tune in to deceased energies during a psychic reading the “person” usually presents to me the way my sitter would recognize them; or basically how they looked when they died. So if the person was a 50 year old male with a receding hairline, he will usually present to me that way so that when I describe him my sitter will know who I am talking about.


Sometimes, however, I’ve seen deceased people who present as 30ish even though they were 78 when they died. This almost always happens when the person has been dead a long time, died naturally, has nothing urgent to say or talk about with my sitter, and just wants to say hello or acknowledge the sitter. I believe this happens because they are not as interested in validating their presence as they’re just “driving by” to say hi.

Something else I notice, however, is that if the person died from suicide, murder, accident, or something unexpected, they often present to me looking like how they died. I recall being very surprised once when a woman appeared to me with her head cocked unnaturally to the side and blood just dripping all down her face. As it turns out, she shot herself in the face and when she was found her neck was cocked unnaturally to the side while the rest of her body was upright. That is not how she really looks in the ether, but she had to show that to me so I could explain it to my sitter who would know I was in contact with this deceased person.

In another reading, a young man appeared to me and his head was missing. I could only see his body, and he was pointing to his neck. When I mentioned this to my sitter she told me about her brother who was accidentally decapitated in an auto accident. I’m sort of glad I didn’t see the gory details. In another reading, a woman showed me these heavy bands around her chest and under her arms, and I came to find out she died from breast cancer that had spread to her underarm area. So the deceased people will often present to me in a way as to indicate how they died. Sometimes they’ll just tell me how they died “He’s saying something about a car accident and a golf cart” or they’ll show me an image, “I see a car flying over a bridge and slamming into a golf cart.” After I make contact and explain it to my sitter, the deceased person will often morph into a perfectly healthy version of themselves at the age they died.

In the past when I did readings, the deceased people would come to me in my White Room fully formed. But a few months ago, my guides taught me to go closer to the source so that I could reach out to deceased energies that weren’t necessarily hovering. When I go to this area all I see is swirling energy. I call out to the energy and ask if there is anyone who would like to speak with (name of sitter). I wait and sometimes an energy will pull away from the collective and then form into the shape the sitter will recognize. I go from there. I’ve found that doing this allows me to reach more deceased people than just waiting to see who shows up.

I don’t see deceased people with my eyeballs. I see them as mental projections; kind of like having a waking dream. Sometimes when I am doing an in-person reading, they will locate themselves right next to my sitter, but most of the time they just appear to me in the back of my mind. This could be one reason most people aren’t mediums; because they expect a dead person to appear before them like a protoplasmic ghost. It took me a while to realize that the images in my head were real people, which is something I never would have realized unless I’d had the courage to test what I was seeing.


I don’t know what they look like when I’m not looking, but I imagine it’s closer to the swirling energy than it is to Uncle Joe in his hat and black suit. One thing for sure, they are no longer suffering physically from whatever caused their deaths. Emotionally, yes, but not physically.

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