May 18th 06, 04:03 AMposted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
Converting Getpivotdata function in Excel '03 to Excel '00??
The GetPivotData function arguments are different in Excel 2000, and I
don't know of any way to automatically convert them from the Excel 2003
In Excel 2000, the formula isn't automatically created when you link to
a pivot table cell, so you'll probably have to rebuild them.
MK wrote:
I have a tough problem I really need solving.
For work I had to do a huge report with a lot of getpivotdata function from
a number of pivot tables. The platform i used was Excel 2003, which I use at
However, I realised that at work they only have excel 2000, and it is the
only version that employees are allow to use.
When I opened up the file at work on Excel 2000, and although the numbers
are there, when the pivot data changes or gets refreshed, the data on the
reports with the Getpivotdata functions become errored. I heard that the
syntax for the function in Excel 2003 is different from Excel 2000.
I have been crying over this, and I am looking for a solution.
please help, I am very desparate, as the report took me over 3 weeks to
Thank you in advance

Debra Dalgleish
Excel getpivotdata ref error

GETPIVOTDATA HLOOKUP HYPERLINK INDEX INDIRECT LOOKUP MATCH OFFSET ROW ROWS RTD TRANSPOSE VLOOKUP Excel 2019 Excel 2019 for Mac Excel for Office 365 Excel for Office. Welcome to the Excel group! This is the place to discuss best practices, news, and the latest trends and topics related to Excel. To use the GETPIVOTDATA function, the field you want to query must be a value field in the pivot table, subtotaled at the right level. In this case, we want a subtotal of the 'sales' field, so we provide the name the field in the first argument, and supply a reference to the pivot table in the second: = GETPIVOTDATA('Sales', $B$4).

Excel 2016 Getpivotdata

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Excel Getpivotdata Ref Error


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