1. Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji Copy
  2. Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji Transparent
  3. Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji Face
Giggs when will it stop zip it emoji face

For example, pressing alt and 128110 keys will produce the police officer emoji like 👮. Examples of Emoji. Below are some of the examples, you can use emoji symbols in Outlook or Skype chat. Instead of typing a long sentence, a single emoji can express your thoughts more clearly. #66696651 - Shit emoji. Poop emoji face isolated. #101213395 - puppy holds plastic bag and road sign stop. Concept cleaning. Giggs discography; Studio albums: 5: Music videos: 27: Singles: 9: Mixtapes: 19: British rapper Giggs has released four studio albums, eighteen mixtapes, nine solo singles (not including any as a featured artist) and twenty-seven music videos.A majority of his releases have been independently released through SN1 Records, alongside several releases through XL Recordings and Takeover Entertainment.

Emoji Meaning A stop icon, displayed as a square. Emoji Meaning A red, octagonal sign. Used in many countries as a stop sign. Emoji Meaning A hand held up showing its palm. May be used to mean stop, or as a high-five. 🎬 Clapper Board. Emoji Meaning A board which contains the scene name, number, and film. The latest Snapchat update introduced the hourglass emoji next to some usernames, and plenty of people have taken to Twitter asking the universe for any kind of explanation as to what it means.


This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding using discord.py and its extension modules. Feel free to suggest anew question or submit one via pull requests.


Questions regarding coroutines and asyncio belong here.

A coroutine is a function that must be invoked with await or yieldfrom. When Python encounters an await it stopsthe function’s execution at that point and works on other things until it comes back to that point and finishes off its work.This allows for your program to be doing multiple things at the same time without using threads or complicatedmultiprocessing.

If you forget to await a coroutine then the coroutine will not run. Never forget to await a coroutine.

You can only use await inside asyncdef functions and nowhere else.

In asynchronous programming a blocking call is essentially all the parts of the function that are not await. Do notdespair however, because not all forms of blocking are bad! Using blocking calls is inevitable, but you must work to makesure that you don’t excessively block functions. Remember, if you block for too long then your bot will freeze since it hasnot stopped the function’s execution at that point to do other things.

If logging is enabled, this library will attempt to warn you that blocking is occurring with the message:HeartbeatblockedformorethanNseconds.See Setting Up Logging for details on enabling logging.

A common source of blocking for too long is something like time.sleep(). Don’t do that. Use asyncio.sleep()instead. Similar to this example:

Another common source of blocking for too long is using HTTP requests with the famous module requests.While requests is an amazing module for non-asynchronous programming, it is not a good choice forasyncio because certain requests can block the event loop too long. Instead, use the aiohttp library whichis installed on the side with this library.

Consider the following example:

General questions regarding library usage belong here.

Example code can be found in the examples folderin the repository.

There is a method for this under Client called Client.change_presence().The relevant aspect of this is its activity keyword argument which takes in an Activity object.

The status type (playing, listening, streaming, watching) can be set using the ActivityType enum.For memory optimisation purposes, some activities are offered in slimmed down versions:

Putting both of these pieces of info together, you get the following:

You must fetch the channel directly and then call the appropriate method. Example:

Get the User or Member object and call abc.Messageable.send(). For example:

If you are responding to an event, such as on_message(), you already have the User object via Message.author:

abc.Messageable.send() returns the Message that was sent.The ID of a message can be accessed via Message.id:

To upload something to Discord you have to use the File object.

A File accepts two parameters, the file-like object (or file path) and the filenameto pass to Discord when uploading.

If you want to upload an image it’s as simple as:

If you have a file-like object you can do as follows:

To upload multiple files, you can use the files keyword argument instead of file:

If you want to upload something from a URL, you will have to use an HTTP request using aiohttpand then pass an io.BytesIO instance to File like so:

You use the Message.add_reaction() method.

If you want to use unicode emoji, you must pass a valid unicode code point in a string. In your code, you can write this in a few different ways:

  • '👍'

  • 'U0001F44D'


Quick example:

In case you want to use emoji that come from a message, you already get their code points in the content without needingto do anything special. You cannot send ':thumbsup:' style shorthands.

For custom emoji, you should pass an instance of Emoji. You can also pass a '<:name:id>' string, but if youcan use said emoji, you should be able to use Client.get_emoji() to get an emoji via ID or use utils.find()/utils.get() on Client.emojis or Guild.emojis collections.

The name and ID of a custom emoji can be found with the client by prefixing :custom_emoji: with a backslash.For example, sending the message :python3: with the client will result in <:python3:232720527448342530>.

Quick example:

The library’s music player launches on a separate thread, ergo it does not execute inside a coroutine.This does not mean that it is not possible to call a coroutine in the after parameter. To do so you must pass a callablethat wraps up a couple of aspects.

The first gotcha that you must be aware of is that calling a coroutine is not a thread-safe operation. Since we aretechnically in another thread, we must take caution in calling thread-safe operations so things do not bug out. Luckily forus, asyncio comes with a asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe() function that allows us to calla coroutine from another thread.

However, this function returns a concurrent.Future and to actually call it we have to fetch its result. Putting all ofthis together we can do the following:

There are multiple ways of doing this. If you have a specific model’s ID then you can useone of the following functions:

The following use an HTTP request:

If the functions above do not help you, then use of utils.find() or utils.get() would serve some use in findingspecific models.

Quick example:

To make a request, you should use a non-blocking library.This library already uses and requires a 3rd party library for making requests, aiohttp.

Quick example:

See aiohttp’s full documentation for more information.

Discord special-cases uploading an image attachment and using it within an embed so that it will notdisplay separately, but instead in the embed’s thumbnail, image, footer or author icon.

To do so, upload the image normally with abc.Messageable.send(),and set the embed’s image URL to attachment://image.png,where image.png is the filename of the image you will send.

Quick example:


Due to a Discord limitation, filenames may not include underscores.

Since Discord does not dispatch this information in the gateway, the library cannot provide this information.This is currently a Discord limitation.

Questions regarding discord.ext.commands belong here.

Overriding the default provided on_message forbids any extra commands from running. To fix this, add abot.process_commands(message) line at the end of your on_message. For example:

Alternatively, you can place your on_message logic into a listener. In this setup, you should notmanually call bot.process_commands(). This also allows you to do multiple things asynchronously in responseto a message. Example:

In a simple command defined as:

Calling it via ?echoabc will only fetch the first argument and disregard the rest. To fix this you should either callit via ?echo'abc' or change the signature to have “consume rest” behaviour. Example:

This will allow you to use ?echoabc without needing the quotes.

The Context contains an attribute, message to get the originalmessage.


Use the group decorator. This will transform the callback into a Group which will allow you to add commands intothe group operating as “subcommands”. These groups can be arbitrarily nested as well.


This could then be used as ?gitpushoriginmaster.

Emoji Meaning

A yellow face with simple, open eyes and a closed zipper for a mouth. Meaning widely varies, but commonly conveys a secret or that someone will keep one (e.g., My lips are sealed). May also be used to tell someone to stop talking (e.g., Zip it! or I’ll shut up now).

Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji Copy

Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji

Google's design for 😯 Hushed Facepreviously featured a zipper-mouth.

Zipper-Mouth Face was approved as part of Unicode 8.0 in 2015and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

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Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji Transparent

Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji

Also Known As

  • 🤐 Lips Sealed
  • 🤐 Sealed Lips
  • 🤐 Zip It

Apple Name

🤐 Face with a Zipper Mouth


Giggs When Will It Stop Zip It Emoji Face


  • :zipper_mouth_face:(Github, Slack, Emojipedia)
Giggs when will it stop zip it emoji face

See also



  • 🤐 Zipper-Mouth Face Emoji Proposal:L2/14-174
