Might&Magic VIII - Walkthrough. Ravage Roaming is a region in Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer. It is an arid land with a lake in the middle that was created by the opening of the gate to the Plane of Water. 1 Services 2 Points of Interest 3 Characters 3.1 Quest Givers 3.2 Merchants 3.3 Minor Characters 4 Dungeons 5 Monsters Bull's Eye Inn - tavern. Sea Transportation - ship Mist Obelisk 4. Maps for Might and Magic VII. Games; Manuals; Contact; Maps. Avlee Bandit Caves Barrow Downs Barrow I Barrow II Barrow III Barrow IV Barrow V Barrow VI Barrow VII Barrow VIII Barrow IX Barrow X Barrow XI Barrow XII Barrow XIII Barrow XIV Barrow XV Bracada Desert Breeding Zone: Castle Gloaming. It offers in deep details about the most common topics found on the different Forums related to Might and Magic VIII. The topics in this FAQ are well developed since this web site does not contain any other Walkthrough or help in English. Great News for Heroes IV! This mod allows you to play Heroes of Might & Magic IV on 16:9, 16:10 screens.It is built on HoMM IV GL Wrapper, package is already included. (If you wish to follow GL Wrappers, you can do that directly in Verokster's GIT). Supported are: HoMM IV: v3.0, The Gathering Storm v3.0, Winds of War v3.0, Complete (GOG) Equilibris is not and you will need to wait for.
I'll start with the simpler aspects of the game first, and then move on togeneral advice and walkthrus of areas not covered already.
First, let me state that MM8 has a lot of replayability. You can create partysizes as big or as small as you wish, including solo character runs. Here is mycommentary on the playable characters in the game.
Troll: Will have the highest hit points of any characterselected, but they are in my opinion the lowest damage dealing Might orientedcharacter. Trolls can paralyze opponents and they get resistance for GrandmasterLeather. They can also learn the Repair Item skill up to Master level(a Masterlevel with 10 points will repair all items including artifacts and relics).
Knight: Best Might oriented character due to their abilityto Grandmaster the Armsmaster skill. They will do the most melee damage of anycharacter, and good spears can be obtained from Balthazar Lair if you're patientenough and have the funds. They can Grandmaster in Repair Item, which will fixall items.
Minotaur: In my opinion, they are better than Trolls interms of doing damage and they should use the Axe skills for the most damageoutput. Minotaurs can't use helms, shields, or boots so they are a bit harder tojustify using. They can learn the Disarm and Perception skills to be a goodcharacter to deal with chests and see the traps or hidden areas.
Dark Elf: Definitely a good choice because of the amount ofskills they can learn well. They can Identify Item up to Master level(at 10points, this will ID all items), learn Merchant to Grandmaster(buy and sellitems at the best rate), Disarm Traps at Grandmaster(all chests will be disarmedof traps), obtain Master level in Dagger fighting(more effective in my opinionthan doing Master Sword), Grandmaster in Chain(reduces physical damage fromattacks), Grandmaster in Bow(2 arrows with each shot and additional damage foradded points past 10), and Mastery of the Elemental magic skills(Fire, Air,Water, Earth). I would choose them over Necromancers if you don't wantGrandmaster Alchemy(you can buy Black potions from Balthazar Lair) or the Darkmagic spells.
Might And Magic 8 Maps
Vampire: A good substitute for the Cleric if you want moredamage dealing potential. They can learn the Self magic skills(Body, Mind,Spirit) to Master level. They can also Levitate, which comes in handy indungeons to bypass traps as well as allow the same effect as the Water Walkspell and not take damage from lava. Vampires can also Grandmaster in the Daggerskill, but don't expect them to do as much damage as a Knight.
Cleric: They are able to Grandmaster in the Self magicskills(Body, Mind, Spirit) as well as Light magic. They are able to learn theMeditation and Merchant skills higher than the Vampire can, so they will getmore spell points and be able to get better results in buying or selling items.Light magic does provide offensive and defensive capabilities the Vampire isunable to use. Their promotion is much easier than the Vampire promotion. I'dselect a Cleric ONLY if you have no intention of hiring or creating Dark Elves.
Necromancer: Can learn Grandmastery of the Elemental Magicskills(Earth, Air, Fire, Water), Grandmastery of Dark Magic(only otherNecromancers and Bone Dragons have resistance or immunity to it), GrandmasterAlchemy in order to create the Black potions, Grandmaster Learning andGrandmaster Meditation, and Master Identify Item. They'll have the lowest hitpoints, but the most offensive capability surpassing Knights and Dragons interms of damage with certain spells.
Dragon: I consider this the 'newbie' charactersince adding 1 Dragon makes the game significantly easier. They are also buggedin that their breath attack never misses, and nothing is immune to it. Dragonscan easily solo the entire game, so that's my opinion of how overpowered theyare in design. I'd only select a Dragon for the first time you try MM8 or ifyou've never played M&M before. Dragons are able to Fly, learn GrandmasterIdentify Item, Grandmaster Learning, and Grandmaster Perception. They can alsolearn Master Bodybuilding and Master Meditation.
The best and smallest optimal MM8 party in my opinion would be: Knight, DarkElf, Vampire.
For character creation, maximize Endurance, minimize Accuracy and Luck to 10points(both are able to get enhanced thru the fountains in the game). If you'reusing a Might character, get at least 20 or 30 might points and put the otherpoints into Endurance. Minimize Personality and Intellect to 10 or keep thedefault Intellect and Personality for all Might oriented characters. For DarkElves, keep Endurance low and Maximize Accuracy and then get Intelligence to 10.Vampires should max Personality and then Endurance(Might is able to get enhancedat a fountain in the game). Here are my stat recommendations for charactercreation:
Troll: 30 Might, 7 Intellect, 7 Personality, 34 Endurance,10 Accuracy, 10 Speed, 10 Luck
Knight: 20 Might, 10 Intellect, 10 Personality, 22Endurance, 10 Accuracy, 10 Speed, 10 Luck
Minotaur: 30 Might, 7 Intellect, 10 Personality, 22Endurance, 10 Accuracy, 10 Speed, 10 Luck
Vampire: 9 Might, 9 Intellect, 30 Personality, 16 Endurance,9 Accuracy, 10 Speed, 9 Luck
Dark Elf: 10 Might, 10 Intellect, 10 Personality, 7Endurance, 30 Accuracy, 22 Speed, 10 Luck
Cleric: 10 Might, 10 Intellect, 20 Personality, 22Endurance, 10 Accuracy, 10 Speed, 10 Luck
Necromancer : 10 Might, 22 Intellect, 10 Personality, 20Endurance, 10 Accuracy, 10 Speed, 10 Luck
Now for my opinion on the skills in the game...
The Elemental magic skills offer more offensive capability than any Mightcharacter can provide. Self magic skills are more useful for healing as well assome offensive capability. Light magic offers some offensive and defensivecapability, while Dark magic is almost entirely offensive.
Leather: You can't get any physical damage reduction fromlearning it, but Clerics, Necromancers, Trolls and Vampires should learn theskill as high as they can.
Chain: Only Dark Elves can Grandmaster this skill, so theyshould be the only ones to learn it.
Plate: Knights and Minotaurs should learn this skill sinceat master level you only get 1/2 physical damage.
Dagger: Vampires, Dark Elves, and Necromancers should learnthis skill as high as they can.
Mace: Only Clerics and Trolls should learn this skill ashigh as they can.
Sword: Trolls and Knights are the only characters thatshould learn this skill.
Axe: Minotaurs are the only characters that should learnthis skill. The two handed axes deal more damage at Grandmaster 15 than theMinotaur's Spear/Dagger combo that is also available.
Spear: Only Knights should learn this skill as high as theycan.
Alchemy: The only reason to learn this skill is for theBlack potions(and again, they can be bought at Balthazar Lair).
Armsmaster: All characters that can learn this skill shoulddevelop it as high as it can go.
Body Building: All characters that can learn it get addedhit points, so develop this skill as high as you can for each character.
Disarm Trap: Only Dark Elves or Minotaurs should learn thisskill, and if you have both a Dark Elf and a Minotaur in your party just selectone to specialize in this skill AND the Perception skill.
Identify Item: Dark Elves, Necromancers, and Dragons are theonly ones that should develop this skill.
Identify Monster: In my opinion, this is an entirely uselessskill. Save your skill points for better skills.
Learning: Develop this skill as high as you can and as soonas you can for each character.
Meditation: Only Dark Elves, Dragons, Necromancers, andClerics can learn this skill. I would not develop Meditation for Dark Elves andDragons unless you absolutely need their spell points.
Might Magic 8 Walkthrough And Maps
Merchant: All characters should learn this skill as high asthey can to reduce training costs. Only one character should have the Merchantskill highly developed.
Perception: Only Dark Elves or Minotaurs should learn thisskill. I think it's a waste of skill points for Dragons to learn it unless theyare doing the game solo.
Regeneration: Learn it only to Expert (9 skill points) toget 2 hit points every 5 minutes instead of 1 at the Normal level. Vampires,Liches, Dragons, and Trolls can do this.
Repair Item: Have only a Knight or Troll learn the skill.
Vampires only need to Master the Vampire skill, but Dark Elves and Dragonsshould Grandmaster their class-specific skills.
Might and Magic VI
Maps of Enroth
Town Maps by Steve Ainsworth
New Sorpigal
Bootleg Bay
Free Haven
Town Maps by David Potts
Castle Stone
Castle Stromgard
White Cap
Silver Cove
Desert Resort
Paradise Valley
Dungeon Maps by David Potts
Goblin Watch
Abandoned Temple
Temple of Baa
Shadow Guild Hideout
Dungeon Maps by Naz
Agar's Labratory
Caves of the Dragon Riders
Dragoons' Caverns
Dragoons' Keep
Icewind Keep
Shadow Guild Hideout
Silver Helm Outpost
Superior Temple of Baa
Supreme Temple of Baa
Temple of Baa
Temple of the Fist
Temple of the Moon
Temple of the Snake
Tomb of Ethric the Mad
Dungeon Maps by Will Tai
Frozen Highlands
Castle Kriegspire
Caves of the Dragon Riders
Lair of the Wolf
Free Haven
New World Computing
Silver Cove