• ACDSee Photo Studio for Mac 7 lets you take control over your image management and editing. This year, you’ll see refined features amplifying your ability to manipulate images with precision, and more intuitive ways to sort and categorize your files.
  • GIMP – For Advanced Tools. GIMP is a decent open-source Photoshop analog. It will be a perfect fit.

SeaShore is an open source image editor based on GIMP. It features gradients, textures and anti-aliasing for both text and brush strokes. It also supports multiple layers, alpha channel editing and uses the same native file format as GIMP. In the Preview app on your Mac, click the Show Markup Toolbar button (if the Markup toolbar isn’t showing), then click the Instant Alpha button (or use the Touch Bar). Drag over part of the background. Preview selects the area you dragged over and any pixels adjacent to it that have the same colors. To delete the selected area, press Delete.

An intelligent, easy-to-use and powerful tool for outdoor photographers

Seashore Photo Editing Software For Mac Computers


Intelligent landscape editing that offers you specific tools that match your image.

Sky Replacement

Fix full, overcast or blown-out skies. Choose from hundreds of options.


New — add rain, snow, fog or more to your images.


Protect your images online by adding a logo or watermark.

What does it do?

With intelligent controls that adapt to the features in your photo, LandscapePro allows you to get dramatic results with your landscapes.

  • AI-powered selection tools.
  • Unique editing controls that adapt to your images.
  • Easy-to-use slider interface.
  • Brighten, recolor or replace skies.
  • Add weather, overlays and logos.
  • Lighting controls that respond to features in your landscape.
  • Perfect for experts and beginners.
  • Trusted by professional photographers and experts worldwide

From the makers of PortraitPro, the world's best portrait-editing software.

Some of the things you can do with LandscapePro

Automatic Area Selection

Label the features in your image and the software will automatically select them.

Sky Controls

LandscapePro comes pre-packed with hundreds of sky options for you to choose from or you can add your own!

Targeted Editing

Specific tools that suit your image - from water reflections to mountains.

One-click presets

Edit your images in a single click with specialized presets.

LandscapePro Studio
& Studio Max

LandscapePro comes in three editions to suit your needs. For those who like to work with the highest quality images, LandscapePro Studio handles RAW files directly. It can also be run as a Smart Filter in Photoshop and supports different color spaces.

Studio Max offers extra tools for more advanced users. Batch Mode allows you to queue images for quicker, more streamlined editing, while the Histogram allows you to view your changes live in the histogram panel.

Compare the different editions or buy now

  • Using advanced image recognition technology, LandscapePro 3 is better than ever at detecting features in your landscape.
  • Enhance landscape photos with atmospheric effects such as rain, fog, lens flare and more.
  • Remove unwanted objects from your landscape in seconds flat.
  • A brand new selection of skies ready to enhance your outdoor photographs.
  • Keep your images safe online with your watermark or logo.
  • Easily correct focus and texture with new Sharpen and Clarity sliders.
  • Smart Filter capability for Photoshop: exclusive to Studio and Studio Max.

Buy LandscapePro 3 or find out more

Seashore Photo Editing Software For Mac

Seashore Image Editor for Mac – Better than The Gimp

I can’t remember where I first came across Seashore, but its been sitting in my applications folder and dock for a couple of months and on the odd occasion when I need to do do some image editing I’ve come to rely on it without really feeling the pain of a learning curve. So here’s my software review:

Seashore is a native OS X application which does image editing on a Mac. Free and Open Source, it’s much smaller and lighter than Photoshop and easier to use than The Gimp, and being an installed application is much more responsive than an online image editor such as Picnic. So Seashore fits in nicely for anything a bit more than than basic iPhoto tweaking, and a bit less than full blown Photoshop pro tools.

Seashore loads very quickly indeed on my underpowered Mac mini, and immediately presents a simple and recognisable tools palette.

Seashore Photo Editing Software For Mac 10 6 8

So you can get up and running doing simple stuff with images really quickly, but when it comes to more advanced operations, and inevitably the need arises sooner rather than later, then the shortcomings of Seashore in its present state become apparent.

Update: May 2009

Seashore Image Editor for Mac Tutorials

Seashore Photo Editing Software For Mac Windows 7

I’ve spent a bit more time getting to grips with the concepts behind the seashore image editor for mac and recorded a series of five screencast tutorials on the subject. They start off fairly basic and should serve as a good introduction to the fundamental ideas and techniques, maybe applicable to any picture editing software, not just seashore for mac. The only thing is I haven’t decided exactly where to publish them yet, maybe here or perhaps better on the ICT tutor blog