
So, I've played Supeme Ruler 2020 for awhile now. I've got Supreme Ruler 2020 gold, not ultimate, but I figured since they are almost the same game, modding has to be similar. Has anyone made a video tutorial on how to do this? I've done countless campaigns and I want to make some custom units etc for nations, but the tutorial I did read on how to do modding honestly wasn't that great and didn. Browse and play mods created for Supreme Ruler 2020 at Indie DB.

Also known as: Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Edition Available on: PC Available Addons: Supreme Ruler 2020: Global Crisis Developer: Battlegoat Studios. Download MOD Pack version 1.1 (69MB) List of changes in MOD Pack 1.1. Download patch 6.8.1 (243MB) List of changes in 6.8.1. Supreme Ruler Ultimate. Enhance your Supreme Ruler Ultimate experience by checking out the wide variety of mods created by the community! 2020 GC Rebalance Mod. The game was released on June 17, 2008 and is a sequel to Supreme Ruler 2010. In the game, the player controls all aspects of a region's government attempts to unite a world of fragmented states. Browse and play mods created for Supreme Ruler 2020 at Indie DB. Supreme Ruler 2020 forum.

A few words:
I dont call it Trainer,because i removed the instant build options.I have removed them because they was not Player Only.
So i call it Assistant , it help with some options to have a easier life . All options are definitiv player Only.
Ah yeah remember i release the software as it is. if u destroy the campaign, in example have auto refilling stock on and you have forget disable the auto selling, its not my fault.
This Software will be always Beta, and its not affiled with battlegoat or paradox.
Many thx battlegoat for this Amazing Game
PS: that are real 21 options
How to use:
1. Start Supreme Ruler 2020 or the Supreme Ruler 2020 Global Crisis and start/load your scenario.
2. Press Alt-Tab to get back to your desktop.
3. Start trainer, under Vista start as administrator, and click on 'search game'
4. Click the options you desireSupreme Ruler 2020 Mod
5. Get back to the game and have fun.
Add 100 Billion $ (shortcut: Ctrl+F12)
Add/decrease 10.000$ to GDP
Add/decrease 1 million Citizens
Freeze choosen Tech. Level + inc./dec by 1 (max is 175)
Keep Tech. scrollbar at 0% this avoids the money prob.
Keep Credit Rating over 100%
Set UN Subsidy at 100%
Set UN Approval at 100%
Set Treat Integrity at 100%+
Freeze tourismus at 100%
Freeze Domestic approval rating at 100%
Freeze military approval rating at 100%
Freeze literacy at 100%
Freeze Unemployment at choosen value + inc./dec by 0.5%Supreme ruler 2020 mod
Keep money between 10 billion $ and 10 trillion $
Freeze Inflation at choosen value + inc./dec by 0.5%
Auto filling stocks Production demand , storage can be choosen 1day to 1 year
Keep military men reserves at min. 100.000
Send max Sat. to orbit
Set social Quality at min 100%
Keep Reasearch Efficiency at choosen value + inc./dec by 100% (Improves the Speed of research, check ur money!!!)
[+] added [-] fixed [*] other info
Changes Build 117:

[*] incl. v6.7.63 support
[+] Added a year counter (min. is 1 max. is 10) for the ressources stocks.thx Bigwolf
[-] Ressources (0-demand) bug fixed, well tried. thx Bigwolf

Supreme Ruler 2020 Ultimate Mods

Changes Build 116 v1.1:
[*] Modified GDP and Population button ( + / - ). (Requested by BigWolf, thx for the idea)
(mail me if you think the modify value for gdp and pop. arent ok ,finetuning )
Other Notes:
Important Info :
The Trainer dont Inject (patching) the Game to modify money and so on, nor it makes a wrong Serial in a valid one.
Stop asking for it, ffs! Buy it, support the developers like i do.
I wont add any 1 day build options again, because they are only 2 methods:
- both requires patching the game, i wont do it. First it increase chances of crashes, second i think battlegoat wont like it.
Supreme- first method isnt player only, means CPU would build or research in 1 day too.
- second method its required mouse over of all you own factories manually, in case you mouse over a cpu factory it benefits it too.
so it consume to much time create it and both methods arent fail safe (player only).
Please dont ask me for that again,thx.
The relationsship between countries is really huge work, sry i want play that game too.
If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7, please make sure to run the trainer in administrator mode.
Right click the trainer:
- Properties
- Compatability
- Choose to run it as administrator. Or Simply right click the trainer and choose: Run as administrator
Please be careful of the modern firewalls and virusscanners, they now also have several protections against memory manipulation which is needed for the assistant to work, make sure you disable it while playing or it could stop the Assistant from working.
I will only support the latest official/beta version of SR 2020 GC. I have this Agreement with Balthagor, to not support pirate version.Thx for your patience.
DOWNLOAD Supreme Ruler 2020 and Global Crisis Assistant build 117
DOWNLOAD Mirror Big thanks to AkiraSoft
VirusScan Analysis
My Email:srgcassi@googlemail.com

Changes Build 116:
[+] Added Supreme Ruler 2020 Global Crisis v6.6.2 Incl. Gold Edition
[+] Added Supreme Ruler 2020 v5.6.2
[-] Fixed Military Goods issue (thx MadsMartin)
Older versions support removed
Changes Build 115:
Make it Windows OS 64bit compatible
Recompiled because of the Win32/Induc.A virus
Changes Build 114:
updated to Supreme Ruler 2020 5.5.21
Changes Build 113:
[-] Fixed the Unemployment freeze. (thx UKPhoenix )
updated my trainer Engine
Thx AkiraSoft for mirror Hosting
Changes Build 112:
Gui changes only.
prolly the last version 'til next major game update, since no bug reports and tips are incoming.

[*] Changed the SplashScreen
[*] Cleaned the Sourcecode, removing *junk* code. ( Not used but compiled,kind of protection .
Changes Build 110&111:
added a build number system , its easier to track the changes
[*] Keep money over 10Bio+ improved, now it hold between 10 Billion and 10 Trillion.
[*] Removed Set money to 1 Trillion
[+] Added a up/down button for Unemployment.
[+] Added Freeze Tech. Level and it set the tech. scrollbar at 0%
[+] by Pressing Ctrl + F12 it add 100 billion to money
[-] Fixed some GUI bugs

updated to x.5.8 and now only 1 Assistant need ( auto detecting main or addon game)
[*] Fixed some minor bugs and optimized abit the code/size with wav files ;D
[*] Now the Stocks are refilled with plan its always producing so much like the demand is , the day of storage can be choosen maximum is 1 year.
[*] increased Add 10 billion to 100 billion
[+] Added Set UN Subsidy at 100%
[+] Added Set UN Approval at 100%
[+] Added Set Treat Integrity at 100%+
[+] Added Keep Credit Rating over 100%
[+] Added Set money to 1 Trillion $
[+] Added Increase and decrease of Techlevel by 1 (max. 175)
Updated to Supreme Ruler 2020 v5.5.2
Updated to Supreme Ruler 2020 Global Crisis v6.5.2

[*] Fixed some minor bugs
[+] Added Keep Reasearch Efficiency at ... + Add 100% (Should be Player only)
[-] Removed Instant options
[+] Added Keep money over 10 billion $
updated to supreme ruler 2020 v5.4.1
[-] Fixed 1day buildings build, now players only!!!
[-] Fixed 1day research, now players only!!!
[+] Added a Information display. Just for info.
[+] Added Social spending sections quality cheat , it will push hold at minimum 100%.

[*] Disabled 1day unit build, not working properly
Changes:before Nov/2008
Updated to supreme ruler 2020 v5.3.2
[*] Modded the Satelite cheat according supremewiki.com 10/10/20 satelite in orbit are enough.
The coverage are calc. delayed max 100 days
[+] Added military Manpower reserve cheat. there alway min. 100.000 soldier in reserve

Supreme Ruler 1936 and later (1936, Ultimate, and Great War) offer a great deal of moddability. As information is made available attempts will be made to catalogue it here.

SR1936, Ultimate and Great War are built on the same engine structure making data files compatible with each, however the file structure is slightly different:

Supreme Ruler 2020 Cheat Table

  • /Custom Folder for Supreme Ruler 1936 is in the root directory
  • /Custom Folder for Supreme Ruler Ultimate is in /Scenario
  • Scenarios in Supreme Ruler Ultimate are separated in to subfolders within /Scenario
  • Some Modding tools (Map Editor, Scenario Creator & Asset Manager) are specifically designed for Supreme Ruler Ultimate.
What Mods Exist?[edit | edit source]

Mods are listed on BGForums.com.

Where Can I Download Existing Mods?[edit | edit source]

Traditionally Mods have been distributed directly by the modders, most doing so through the Modding section on BGForums.com .

Starting with Supreme Ruler Ultimate version 9.1.286+ (March 2020 Update), Mods can also be distributed through Steam Workshop.

Where Can I Get the Tools?[edit | edit source]

If you own Supreme Ruler Ultimate you can get the tools directly from the tools section of your Steam library.

If you do not own Supreme Ruler Ultimate, but still would like to mod the SR game you own, you can download the tools here: https://www.moddb.com/downloads/supreme-ruler-content-editor (Keep in mind this won't be updated as often as the Steam version. So to get the most up to date tools, download them from Steam)

What Can I Do?[edit | edit source]

With the release of Supreme Ruler Ultimate Update 9.1.76, new modding tools - the Map Editor, Scenario Creator & Asset Manager - have been released, making it easier to modify and create the data files used by the game engine. Additionally, most data files can be edited in plain text.

Take a look at a walkthrough for the new Scenario Creator/Map Editor:

Here are some of the areas players can modify:

  • Mod Unit 3D Meshes
    • DEFAULT.PICNUMS definition file

Data files:

  • News/Email Data

Equipment Data (Units and Facilities)

Other Information:

New Mod features introduced in March 2020 Update[edit | edit source]

With the introduction of Steam Workshop, the SRU engine has had additional Mod Support added, including:

  • All Scenarios/Campaigns/Scenarios can now include overrides of core game elements (graphics, meshes, etc)
    • A game called SAMPLE.Scenario will now first try to load game elements from subfolder SAMPLExxx, ie SAMPLEGraphics, SAMPLESounds, etc
    • There is a priority sequence of loading content - check out Steam Workshop page for more details on content load priorities
  • More engine elements can now be modded - see WMData section for details.

Supreme Ruler 2020 Gold Edition Mods

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