
  1. Microsoft Frontpage 6.0 Free
  2. Microsoft Frontpage Replacement
  3. Frontpage 2000 Windows 10
  4. Microsoft Frontpage 6.0 2007

Extend the Power and Reach of Your Web Site: With Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services and Windows Server 2003 connected to FrontPage 2003, you can modify and present live data from a range of sources, including XML, to build rich interactive data-driven Web sites in a WYSIWYG editor. Microsoft IIS 6.0 - WebDAV 'ScStoragePathFromUrl' Remote Buffer Overflow. Remote exploit for Windows platform. Microsoft FrontPage 6 0 Downloads at Download That. MacroRecorder is a sound recording program. MacroReocrder, Visual Basic 6. HelpVistaXPDiamond, Virtual Serial Port ActiveX Control, fpHelp Builder, HTML Help Generator for Visual Basic 6. I have a customer who publishes her web site with FrontPage 2002. We just took over hosting her web site. In the past she's been in the habit of opening up the page she wants to edit with Internet Explorer (6.0) and clicking on File, and then Edit with Microsoft FrontPage. Lately the Edit with Microsoft FrontPage has been greyed out (doesn't work).

The information in this specification is applicable to thefollowing Microsoft products or supplemental software. References to productversions include updates to those products.

  • Windows NT

  • Windows 2000 Professional operating system

  • Windows XP operating system

  • Windows Server 2003 operating system

  • Windows Vista operating system

  • Windows 7 operating system

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system

  • Windows SharePoint Services 2.0

  • Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010

  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013

  • Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016

§Microsoft SharePointServer 2019

Exceptions, if any, are noted in this section. If an updateversion, service pack or Knowledge Base (KB) number appears with a productname, the behavior changed in that update. The new behavior also applies tosubsequent updates unless otherwise specified. If a product edition appearswith the product version, behavior is different in that product edition.

Unless otherwise specified, any statement of optionalbehavior in this specification that is prescribed using the terms'SHOULD' or 'SHOULD NOT' implies product behavior inaccordance with the SHOULD or SHOULD NOT prescription. Unless otherwise specified,the term 'MAY' implies that the product does not follow theprescription.

<1>Section Microsoft Windows can present this error to the useras a disk full error.

<2>Section Windows clients might interpret this as a 'notfound' error.

<3>Section Some Windows clients explicitly ignore this errorbecause it can be expected in certain cases; for example, caching operations or'most recently used' lists.

<4>Section Windows clients generally ignore this error duringbulk operations. This error is also generally ignored when removing files.

<5>Section Windows will display an informational message ratherthan an error in this case.

<6>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions6.0 and 12.0 ignore this parameter; versions 4.0 and 5.0 do not.

<7>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 6.0 and 12.0 do not ignore this parameter; all other versions ignoreit.

<8>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 6.0 and 12.0 accept this parameter and require the requesting user tobe a site administrator.

<9>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 4.0 and 5.0 accept this parameter if source control is enabled.

<10>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 4.0 and 5.0 accept this parameter.

<11>Section Version 5.0 and 12.0 servers do not include vti_dirlateststamp(section key forfolders in create Url-Directory (section and removedocuments (section

<12>Section FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Serverversions 4.0 and 5.0 set a value here that reflects the underlying file systemit stores documents in. Versions 6.0 and 12.0 always send 1 for this value.

<13>Section The Windows client uses this metadata to avoid fetchingthe content of the file just to discover metatags with NAME='progid'and NAME='generator'; these are used to display icons for HTML filesand to select an appropriate editor.

<14>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 does not return this key.

<15>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 does not include vti_sourcecontroltimecheckedout (section in the return values, when using the checkout document (section3. or get document (section methodto perform a short-term checkout.

<16>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 doesn’t return vti_thicketdir (section as a BOOLEANflag for a folder if the folder contains the supporting files for a thicket,but the service-relative URLs of the corresponding files.

<17>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 does not include this key.

<18>Section Version 5.0 and 12.0 servers do not include vti_timecreated(section key forfolders in create Url-Directory (section and removedocuments (section methods.

<19>Section Version 5.0 and 12.0 servers do not include vti_timelastmodified(section key forfolders in create Url-Directory (section and removedocuments (section methods.

<20>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol clientfor versions 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 12.0 uses this value when rendering a file's orfolder's time last modified.

<21>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Serverversion 5.0 does not include this key for folders. The FrontPage ServerExtensions Remote Protocol Server versions 4.0, 6.0, and 12.0 do not includethis key. The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Client versions 4.0,5.0, and 6.0 are not sensitive to this key.

<22>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions5.0 and 12.0 do not return this metakey.

<23>Section FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Serverversions 4.0 and 5.0 do not include this key, versions 6.0 and 12.0 do.FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Client versions 4.0 and 5.0 onlyconsider information passed to the underlying HTTP authentication mechanism.

<24>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions4.0 and 5.0 allow users to turn the source control sandbox off; versions 6.0and 12.0 do not.

<25>Section All Windows operating systems request a short-termcheckout length of two minutes. The clients will attempt to renew theshort-term checkout 10 seconds before it expires.

<26>Section Windows Vista does not perform this GET and insteadassumes the values shown in the example in section

<27>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions4.0, 5.0, and 12.0 do not fail the request and instead use the normal HTTPContent-Type header. This action has potential security implications (seesection 5.1).


<28>Section If the client does not include FrontPage in its User-Agentstring Windows Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008 R2 will respond with theHTTP Content-Type as 'text/html' and present more simplistic errorstrings.

<29>Section Versions 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, and 12.0 of the FrontPage ServerExtensions Remote Protocol server will treat unknown arguments as a syntaxerror if the method takes any parameters. For methods that take no parameters,such as server version (section, theFrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol server will ignore the parameters.

<30>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol serverversions 5.0, 6.0, and 12.0 will erroneously return a badly formed responsemessage body that is not compliant with [RFC2616] formethod calls made without authentication that result in an HTTP 401 errorresponse. FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol server version 4.0 doesnot have this defect and does not emit a response message body with an HTTP 401error response.

All of the methods listed in section known to have the defect in FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolserver versions 5.0, 6.0, and 12.0 when returning an HTTP 401 response, withthe exceptions of get documents (section, serverversion (section, url to web url (section,and dialogview (section

This is an example of the badly formed message body returnedby version 5.0 of FrontPage Server Extensions from a typical method call madewithout authentication, in this case, 'open service'.

This is an example of the badly formed message body returnedby version 12.0 of the FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol; the resultfrom version 6.0 is identical except for the version number reported in themethod=open service line.

The response message body created by the FrontPage ServerExtensions Remote Protocol server software exhibiting this defect is badlyformed due to the presence of two separate <HTML> sections, which cancause unexpected behavior in an insufficiently robust client that attempts torender or otherwise make use of the body.

All existing FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolclients ignore the message body, if any, returned with an HTTP 401 response.Since an update or future version of FrontPage Server Extensions RemoteProtocol server might correct this defect, clients MUST ignore the messagebody.

<31>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions6.0 and 12.0 servers ignore this parameter. Versions 4.0 and 5.0 respond to theparameters with a rpc_stats return value with information about how much timethe command spent running, waiting, and so on. The information returned is onlyuseful for debugging purposes and is not considered part of the protocol.

<32>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 server does not return error (0x0009000E) if the force bit1 is not set toRefresh short-term checkout, and a short-term checkout exists.

<33>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions5.0 will instead throw a status error stating, 'Illegal parameter valuefor parameter 'timeout'.

<34>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions6.0 and 12.0 do not have the notion of an executable directory. Version 4.0servers create a server directory with execution set to 'Scripts andExecutables'.

<35>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol serverversions 5.0, 6.0 and 12.0 ignore the listHiddenDocs parameter value and alwaysreturn information for hidden documents.

<36>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 returns a status error when get_option is'chkoutNonExclusive' and does not checkout the file exclusively.

<37>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions5.0 will instead throw a status error stating, 'Illegal parameter valuefor parameter 'timeout'.

<38>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol serverversion 12.0 does not return the contents of the shared borders directory when listBorders(section is true.

<39>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol serverversion 12.0 includes the child site folders in the urldirs return valuewhen listChildWebs (section is false.

<40>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol clientssend listDerived=false in the request and do not request the contents of a_derived folder. The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol server version12.0 does not return the list of files when listDerived (section3. is true.

<41>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol clientsdo not send this value; Version 6.0 and 12.0 servers will ignore this value ifit is received. Version 5.0 servers do not ignore this value and return thetask list files if they exist.

<42>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version12.0 always returns the document information and metadata even when listFilesis FALSE.

<43>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version5.0 doesn’t omit document_list, but returns an empty DOCUMENT-LIST-RETURN-TYPE(section when listFilesis set as FALSE.

<44>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions6.0 and 12.0 servers return an empty DOCUMENT-LIST-RETURN-TYPE if theplatform parameter is sent. The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 4.0 and 5.0 enumerate a folder (not accessible in the URL namespace)that the platform parameter identifies. The default configuration has foldersnamed 'WinI386' and 'all'. Server administrators caninstall modules into these folders or create new sibling directories.

<45>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version12.0 move document (section methoddoes not create a missing parent folder when rename_option setscreatedir.

<46>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol versions5.0 and 12.0 move document (section method does not createthe folder when put_option sets createdir.

<47>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 6.0 and 12.0 ignore this parameter.

Microsoft frontpage program

<48>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 6.0 and 12.0 do not support this behavior; however, versions 4.0 and5.0 do.

<49>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 6.0 and 12.0 do not support this behavior; however, versions 4.0 and5.0 do.

<50>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocolversions 5.0, 6.0, and 12.0 send an empty METADICTs, and version 4.0send the METADICT that existed before the document was deleted.

<51>Section The FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol version6.0 send an empty METADICTs, and versions 4.0, 5.0, and 12.0 send the METADICTthat existed before the document was deleted.

<52>Section The following table specifies which version of theFrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol is contained in each version ofWindows.

Revision summary

In-box FPSE server

Other supported FPSE servers

Windows NT 3.51



Windows NT 4.0



Windows XP operating system (x86)



Windows XP 64-Bit Edition



Windows Server 2003 operating system (x86)


5.0, 6.0, 12.0

Windows Server 2003 (x64)


6.0, 12.0

Windows Server 2003 R2

Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

5.0, 6.0, 12.0

Windows Vista



Windows Server 2008 operating system



<53>Section Windows Vista only supports the Windows SharePointServices dialogview aspect of the FrontPage Server Extensions RemoteProtocol. All other aspects of the protocol are deprecated in favor of WebDAV.For more information about WebDAV, see [MS-WDV].

Microsoft BackOffice Server
Small Business Server in Microsoft's BackOffice product line
Developer(s)Microsoft Corporation
Initial release1994; 26 years ago
Final release
Operating systemWindows NT Server
As ofFebruary 2016

Microsoft BackOffice Server is a discontinued computer software package featuring Windows NT Server and other Microsoft server products that ran on NT Server. It was marketed during the 1990s and early 2000s for use in branch operations and for small businesses to run their back office operations. The small business edition of BackOffice Server was released for versions 4.0 and 4.5. In 2000 it was spun off from the 'BackOffice' brand, becoming a variant of Windows Server branded as Windows Small Business Server. BackOffice Server itself was discontinued on October 1, 2001.

Microsoft Frontpage 6.0 Free

Software included[edit]

Besides Windows NT Server, versions of BackOffice Server suite also included Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SNA Server, Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS), Microsoft Mail Server or Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Proxy Server or Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server, and Internet Information Services (IIS). The 'Small Business' editions omitted SNA Server and SMS.


  • late 1994 — BackOffice 1.0
includes Windows NT Server 3.5, Microsoft SQL Server 4.21a, Microsoft SNA Server 2.1, Microsoft SMS 1.0, and Microsoft Mail Server 3.2.
  • late 1995 — BackOffice 1.5
includes Windows NT Server 3.51, Microsoft SQL Server 6.0, Microsoft SNA Server 2.11, Microsoft SMS 1.1, and Microsoft Mail Server 3.5.
  • April 25, 1996 — BackOffice 2.0
includes Windows NT Server 3.51, Microsoft Internet Information Services 1.0, Microsoft SQL Server 6.0 or 6.5, Microsoft SNA Server 2.11, Microsoft SMS 1.1, and Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0.
  • December 1996 — BackOffice 2.5
includes Windows NT Server 4.0, Internet Information Services 2.0, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Microsoft SNA Server 3.0, Microsoft SMS 1.2, Microsoft Exchange Server 4.0, Microsoft Proxy Server 1.0, Microsoft Index Server 1.1, Internet Explorer 3.01, and FrontPage 1.1
  • December 9, 1997 — BackOffice Server 4.0
includes Windows NT Server 4.0 SP3, Internet Information Services 3.0, Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, Microsoft SNA Server 4.0, Microsoft SMS 1.2, Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0, Microsoft Index Server 2.0, Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0, Microsoft Site Server 3.0, Microsoft FrontPage 98, and Visual InterDev 1.0.

Microsoft Frontpage Replacement

  • January 12, 1999 — BackOffice Server 4.5
includes Windows NT Server 4.0 SP4, Internet Information Services 4.0, Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, Microsoft SNA Server 4.0 SP2, Microsoft SMS 2.0, Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 SP2, Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0, Microsoft Index Server 2.0, Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0, Internet Explorer 5.0, Microsoft FrontPage 2000, and Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0.
  • February 28, 2001 — BackOffice Server 2000
includes Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft SMS 2.0, Microsoft Exchange Server 2000, Microsoft ISA Server 2000, and Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000.

Frontpage 2000 Windows 10


BackOffice Server 4.5 with 1 server license and 5 clients access licenses (CAL) was marketed for US$675. It required 2 GB minimum hard drive space, a minimum processor type of Pentium Pro 200 MHz, and a minimum RAM size of 128 MB.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Microsoft Frontpage 6.0 2007

  • Microsoft BackOffice Server Archived documentation on Microsoft Technet
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